"Not just a different beehive, but a whole new way
of looking at beekeeping"

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Balanced Beekeeping I: building a top bar hive
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Audio book: Natural Beekeeping for Gardeners

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Balanced Beekeeping II: Managing a Top Bar Hive

If The Barefoot Beekeeper was the harbinger of the 'natural beekeeping' movement, then this is the workshop manual. Together with its companion volume - Balanced Beekeeping I: Building a Top Bar Hive - this book will lead you gently into a fascinating relationship with the most engaging of nature's workers: the honeybee. The author draws on 15 years of experience with many types of hive in the both amateur and professional beekeeping contexts. You will want this book beside you for years to come!
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Learning From Bees: a philosophy of natural beekeeping
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4th Edition paperback now available from Lulu.com

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© 2024 Philip J Chandler    Friends of the Bees
beekeeping books by Phil Chandler